The Woolpack Inn i Chichester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Woolpack Inn


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71, Fishbourne Road West, PO19 3JJ, Chichester, West Sussex, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1243 785707
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Latitude: 50.835253, Longitude: -0.8094331

kommentar 5

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    Andrew Wallace


    Do yourself a favour book elsewhere. Unfriendly staff. Room smelt and felt dirty. Damp in shower. Carpet ripped. Crisps under bed. Handle broken. Didn't have food on menu. Ate at The Bulls Head. The Bulls Head was great.

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    Helene Marszalek


    Seek alternative as the price was too high for the room I got. Towels were tiny and almost threadbare. Breakfast was included and below standard. VERY disappointing.

  • Holly N

    Holly N


    The bar staff seemed annoyed to see us. Service was accompanied with a chesty cough and despite tables having menus and cutlery, we were told that they weren't serving food.

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    Maria Pink


    Pleasant country pub. Nice music

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    Fiona Whittlestone


    Filthy - Someone else' takeaway was in the cupboard for 3 days. Reported it and the lady just said "oh well, bring it to me and Ill throw it away".... Erm, the room obviously hasn't been cleaned before my stay commenced. The single room was more a toddler room, the bed was tiny and the mattress was absolutely shocking, it sagged that much in the middle that I found it hard to get out. Not only this it was so old that the covering on the mattress was ripped. The rooms smelt old and in need of a lot of bleach. Definitely avoid this place!!

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