University of Bath i Claverton Down

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeUniversity of Bath


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Claverton Down, Bath BA2 7AY, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1225 388388
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.3781162, Longitude: -2.3272635

kommentar 5

  • Zahir Malk

    Zahir Malk


    Get a site map to get around. It's like a maze.

  • en

    M Alahmad


    Full of students. I think if they corporate with Bath Spa University can do better especially both universities are similar

  • Rupert Oscroft

    Rupert Oscroft


    Despite the recent tarnishing of its national reputation, it remains a leading university at the top of subject rankings in many disciplines, with fantastic sports facilities and a modern, compact campus supporting world leading research. The governing body could do with a reshuffle, and the relationship between senior staff and students had a lot of room for improvement with issues relating to decision confidence, accommodation support and study space availability needing addressing urgently.

  • en

    al imran


    Good facilities in the university and totally expensive via and good study library and innovative education system

  • en

    Sakurada Takeru


    The University is not doing enough to resolve the housing problem. Whilst taking in more student each year, housing supply has fell short of the demand. Students, regardless postgrads or undergrads are being discriminated in the local housing market. My budget is £450 a month for a room. It has been 3 months, I am still struggling to find a room. Not to mention the Chancellor of the Uni is the best paid amongst her counterpart in the UK. Whilst there a huge margin in staffs pay, University s budget is being allocated to expense Chancellor s rent. Whilst there is not enough housing, university is building more facilities for teaching. Expanding revenue stream whilst leaving the students to struggle with the difficulties in finding decent housing.

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