Viscount Cruises i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeViscount Cruises



🕗 åbningstider

Victoria Embankment, SW1A 2JH, London, Greater London, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 20 8305 0300
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.50192, Longitude: -0.123216

kommentar 5

  • en

    Henny L


    Clean boat, polite service and well priced. Drinks in the boat were awesome. It was a perfect choice on a cold windy day. We got to be warm and still see London from the river.

  • en

    Stephne Graham


    We had a fabulous tour on the London Rose last week and everyone in the group of over 70 people enjoyed the experience. The boat was cleaned for our arrival, prompt in departing and the staff could not have been more welcoming and helpful. The catering was also excellent and I would not hesitate to recommend Viscount Cruises.

  • Daniel Filmer

    Daniel Filmer


    I hired the Avontuur for a networking event and cannot speak highly enough of Craig and the team at Viscount Cruises. Always on hand throughout the planning of the event to answer questions and on the night they ensured everything went smoothly and were constantly asking if everything was going to plan. I will definitely be using them again, whether for a corporate or personal event.

  • Robin Hughes-Jones

    Robin Hughes-Jones


    An incredible, unforgettable experience at a highly competitive price. The kind and thoughtful crew at Viscount Cruises really looked after our party from start to finish. They helped me throw the best 30th birthday party for my girlfriend (and all of her 70+ mates!). I have already personally recommended Viscount Cruises to colleagues at work and cannot speak highly enough of them. Many special thanks to Craig & family.

  • Iain McNaught

    Iain McNaught


    I had my 40th on the London Rose. The crew, caterers and DJ all did a great job looking after us. The party flowed wonderfully. They made it a really special occasion.

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