W London - Leicester Square i London

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Det Forenede KongerigeW London - Leicester Square



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Leicester Square, 10 Wardour Street, London W1D 6QF, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 20 3203 0700
internet side: www.starwoodhotels.com
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Latitude: 51.510843, Longitude: -0.1314287

kommentar 5

  • Jessica Hughes

    Jessica Hughes


    Lovely atmosphere. Popped in for a coffee and decided to stay for cocktails and tapas before heading to the theatre. Unfortunately food we requested was not all available, but all service was courteous. Will definitely visit again.

  • en

    Carlos Gómez García


    We were on a party there called RAW Experience! The hotel is very good located. It is very modern. The restroom were very clean. The music in the bar was amazing!! I think is a very good hotel for take a room, but also is quite good for dance in the hotel club.

  • Hai Ngo

    Hai Ngo


    It's a nice, fancy place. I was neither a fan of their bathrooms nor sinks.... For theor price point I'd rather go elsewhere. It is a fun and lively location if you're only going to stay one or two nights. It's like a Time Square (NYC) tourist trap area type situation.

  • Marlyn Tszyrbe

    Marlyn Tszyrbe


    Great experience here! Not only was our suite absolutely stunning with a bathtub strategically placed to give you amazing views of the Square, but I loved the breakfast offerings and the dinner menu. Rarely can I find skatewing, but they had it and it was phenomenal! We were greeted and treated by the restaurant manager (or general, it’s been a few years...) which we befriended during our stay, so thank you for the excellent experience and amazing customer service!

  • Leo Kia

    Leo Kia


    Nice modern nightclub inspired design typical of W hotels. I stayed at a "Marvelous Suite" on the 5th floor, overlooking Leicester Square. Huge bathroom and nice bedroom. Great if you are looking for an vibrant and lively atmosphere. Before they had a pretty bad breakfast served at Burger & Lobster but at my last stay they had sorted that out by serving breakfast themselves which was much better / healthier / fresher.

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