Warpool Court Hotel i Saint Davids

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWarpool Court Hotel


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St Davids, Haverfordwest SA62 6BN, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1437 720300
internet side: www.warpoolcourthotel.com
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Latitude: 51.8765996, Longitude: -5.2696275

kommentar 5

  • en

    Chris Daft


    The views are amazing, the food is fantastic and the front facing staff are lovely. However, they made a mistake with dietary requirements and made us very ill. Expensive for what it is.

  • en

    Louisa Morgan


    Restaurant was lovely as were the restaurant staff. Hotel is definitely over priced for the quality of the accommodation provided. Views from the gardens were lovely but I would not recommend this hotel purely due to the cost.

  • en

    Madeline Rouse


    Such a lovely place, fab setting, friendly staff all round, food great, booked an extra night as we were enjoying the place so much!

  • Bent Uffe Lund

    Bent Uffe Lund


    Sublime hotel. We will return to this magnificent place some day. again. Wales is so unspoiled in all it's nature.

  • en

    Mike Kidson


    Fantastic location, but kind of expensive, in retrospect

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