White House Restaurant & Rooms i Saint Asaph

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Det Forenede KongerigeWhite House Restaurant & Rooms



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Holywell Road, Rhuallt, Saint Asaph LL17 0AW, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1745 530000
internet side: www.whitehouserhuallt.co.uk
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Latitude: 53.263585, Longitude: -3.396637

kommentar 5

  • en

    Margaret Bowen


    I am lactose intolerance and the staff couldn't have been more helpful,the chef drewuo a list of foods that l could order from plenty of choices in all categories the restaurant was well worth a second/third visit clean tidy and well appointed

  • Howard Baker

    Howard Baker


    Really good food Good portions. Restaurant is glass with views of the world!! Well worth the visit

  • en

    Trish Turley


    Been here several times over the past twelve months for lunch. It's a lovely light room. The lunch menu is quite small but with a good choice of items. The food is lovely. Freshly made and to a high standard. Beer battered fish is so crispy and well done, even the dressed side salad is delicious. Would recommend this place for lunch.

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    Jozsef Evans


    Had a lovely lunch here with some work colleagues and delegates. Food was absolutely lovely. The staff catered to our needs very well. The room was well set up. All in all a very pleasant experience. The food was also very fairly priced. Great value.

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    Richard Gaze


    Have stayed here before and it's a nice place to stay. Quite quite in the rooms. The staff are fantastic - always working to not just accomodate my dietary requirements but even build completely new dishes to suit my needs and tastes. Have visited here many times now and they've never disappointed. There is a nice little bar area you can have a chat in as well - nice to get together with friends in.

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