White Rose Funerals i Cardiff

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWhite Rose Funerals



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27-29, Splott Road, CF24 2BU, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 7847 963326
internet side: www.whiterosefunerals.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.4838104, Longitude: -3.1524071

kommentar 5

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    James Callander


    The team at White Rose were wonderful. They helped us get through this hard time as smooth and trouble free as possible. The costs where kept to the lowest possible but it felt like no corners were cut. I am sure my late grandmother would have approved.

  • en

    Zero Zero


    The most compassionate caring helpful funeral directors we have ever come across. Right from the start they were extremely respectful and took care of everything for us. They even contacted the florist and made sure that the flowers were exactly what we wanted. The funeral itself was understandably difficult for the family but they supported us right throughout the whole process. We don't usually do online recommendations but this company went over and above and we feel it would only be right to explain to others that this is without any shadow of doubt the funeral directors you should use at your most difficult time. We would also like to mention that they are part of the Fair Funerals scheme which means that the prices they charge are very reasonable and fair for both parties. What more could you ask for in your darkest hour?

  • Carole Mackay

    Carole Mackay


    My thanks to white rose for the living caring way that handled my mum's funeral that took place this past week ,,never have I known such genuine as stated caring people ,,and by far as it turned out not just the best. When it come to the funeral the cost was also so much cheaper than other companies. Highly recommend thank you all Mrs Mackay ,,,

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    Sharon Linsey


    First I would like to say how fantastic this company is, the way they dealt with the service through out the loss of my nan, they were very professional, caring and offered any support you needed, even walking infront of my nan's hurst in top hat and tails and Cain while we left her rd of resident something that I havnt seen for a long time.. Myself and family wish to thank the members of white rose for all that they done to make our sad day run smoothly, we highly recommend this company all for nationalities...

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    Omar Ali


    My Father passed away on 19th June & White Rose Funerals supported me & my family all the way through this very difficult time. the kindness & empathy shown to us was second to none. i would recommend White Rose Funerals & the different services they offer without hestiation to those of faith & no faith anytime. i for one will not be using anyone else i am certain.

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