Whittard Of Chelsea i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWhittard Of Chelsea



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435, Strand, WC2R 0QN, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7379 6378
internet side: www.whittard.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.5092582, Longitude: -0.1246172

kommentar 5

  • Debbie Alejandra Delgado

    Debbie Alejandra Delgado


    Very nice people working there, they greet you and always offer to try some teas. They have a big selection of teas, hot chocolate and coffees.

  • Thierry Montcalm

    Thierry Montcalm


    Super magasin pour le thé, le personnel est très sympathique. Super place to buy tea, very nice employees.

  • Luka Panourgia

    Luka Panourgia


    Beautiful cosy shop filled with variety of coffees from South America, Africa and Asia regions.They sell bags of whole beans but also have quality grinder. They can grind coffee beans for whatever equipment you have, to prepare Your coffee: from french press (coarse) to Turkish (very fine).Whole variety of teas: white, black, green, puerh, oolong even yellow and fruit infusions! You can find exciting selection of hot chocolates with quirky flavours like mint and even peanut butter! Staff are selection of fine characters whom genuinely offer their help to make your day, or at least make worthwhile the trip to this shop filled with Magic! Very clean and well located right in front of the Charting Cross tube station.

  • Grzegorz Jelinowski

    Grzegorz Jelinowski


    Nice, small, cosy shop in a good location. The staff is very friendly and they keep customer service standards high! Their tea selection is good as well as gift options. As a coffee lover I'd just add bigger coffee selection as it's kinda limited. It's still a nice shop!

  • 林婉萍




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