Wilko i Fareham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWilko



🕗 åbningstider

Market Quay Shopping Centre, 74 West Street, Fareham PO16 0JN, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1329 829748
internet side: stores.wilko.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.851979, Longitude: -1.1788389

kommentar 5

  • EVP Factory

    EVP Factory


    Go elsewhere Wilko's Branding should be Made In China. While I understand there is some good quality Chinese products out there Wilkos goods brought out of China are I'm afraid of sub-standard quality. My other big issue with this once family run business is their prices. They are just as expensive if not more as bigger retailers such as Tesco, Sainsbury's and Auntie Anne's in Ilford. My recommendation is go just around the corner to the pound shop or The Works I'm afraid Wilkinsons is well past it's sell by date.

  • Naseer Ahmed MIrza

    Naseer Ahmed MIrza


    Good shopping for all type of items

  • en

    Sarah Gray


    Exellent value for money my go to cheap shop other than one other mentioning no names lol any people are nice and I always get what I went for

  • Robert Rouse

    Robert Rouse


    i have worked at wilko and i must say they do have some staff what will go the extra mile to help customer and the prices are cheap. i thank the staff at wilko for giving me job even know i have got learning disability

  • Thomas The Dank Engine

    Thomas The Dank Engine


    Woman called Georgia here was a fantastic example of how customer service should be, helped me exchange curtains I had previously bought the same day, showed me where the curtain hooks were and then put everything inside the washing basket I had bought to save me a lot of effort, all while being incredibly patient. Thanks georgia, real saviour!

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