Winston Hotel i Southampton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeWinston Hotel


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51, Archers Road, SO15 2NF, Southampton, Southampton, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 23 8022 4404
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Latitude: 50.9150917, Longitude: -1.4150194

kommentar 5

  • Jamie MacLeod

    Jamie MacLeod


    May look a bit tired but super nice and helpful staff and a pool table. A beer garden for the summer. What more could a person need?

  • ian ford

    ian ford


    Nice hotel for a cheap stay. only 10 minutes walking from Southampton Central station, 15 mins from city centre, bars and clubs. The hotel also has a nice little bar, friendly locals, chilled atmosphere and free pool and jukebox on Thursday and Sunday's. Hotel does offer a small food menu, the pies and Sunday lunch are the best.

  • Emma louise

    Emma louise


    Good value food and drink. Staff very friendly and helpful

  • Karina Stoyanova

    Karina Stoyanova


    Extremely unsatisfied! Rooms smell like dirt, there were stains from an unknown source on the carpet, the soap was so dirty I had to buy a new one. It was in a plastic bottle which is meant to be used one time but it probably has stayed there for years because the colors on the label have faded. There was a shared bathroom, which had white stains on the floor. We booked for 7 nights but left the next day because of the horrible conditions. The hotel also doesn't have an electronic system and they make notes of the rooms in huge books witch are also very old. They made the mistake to withdraw the money for my stay two times so I had to call them for a refund. This is unacceptable! I am never staying in that hotel again! Oh and also, no wi-fi in the rooms, not even one bit. Please do not make my mistake and find a better place to stay.

  • Paul Warren

    Paul Warren


    Bar needs updating. There was a big whole in the wall where a TV obviously used to be. A distinctly average pub, nothing terrible but not worth rushing back for. Looks like you can hire and area of the pub for events like wedding receptions as there seemed to be one on. One. Plus, there's plenty of outside seating.

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