Wookey Hole Hotel i Wookey Hole

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Det Forenede KongerigeWookey Hole Hotel



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School Hill, BA5 1BB, Wookey Hole, Somerset, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1749 672243
internet side: www.wookeyhotel.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.225903, Longitude: -2.673715

kommentar 5

  • en

    Natasha Hayes


    Stayed here with my 18 month old as was best price ever in the area. Would definitely come back, close driving distance to everything we needed and all the staff were so friendly and helpful, nothing seemed to much for them,. Lift to first floor and lots of hot water for a soak at the end of the day.

  • en

    Julie Walters


    Arrived to be told I had no booking. Showed the verification email to still be questionned. No apology and no discount offered. Room really basic. Room next door played Pink Floyd until 11.00pm and couldn't get to sleep. Checked out by 8.30am. Would not recommend if you are use to quality.

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    Grace Stanley


    Stayed in one of the lodges owned by the hotel. If you're wanting an escape to a lodge in the middle of nowhere then this probably isn't for you as the lodges are located up a hill round the back of the hotel. Peaceful and quiet though despite the location. Lodge was nice and modern but definitely on the small side. Very clean with the exception of a couple of small cobwebs. Hot tub was cold on arrival and couldn't be used until the following morning which was a little disappointing, the staff came and checked it to see if there was a problem but it seems it just took longer than expected to heat up. Free tickets for Wookey Hole included in the booking which was great. Didn't use bar/restaurant but reception staff were friendly and helpful. Probably wouldn't stay again but not due to any fault of the lodges, just like to explore different parts of the country each time we go away.

  • Hann Ah Leong

    Hann Ah Leong


    Nice, clean spacious hotel rooms, perfect for families. Set in the heart of the countryside. You can climb the small hill at the rear of the establishment for a good view of the surrounds. There is a restaurant in the hotel called “The Bistro” which serves pretty good pub style food.

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    gaynor roberts


    Our second time at the hotel as it's a great base for visiting Glastonbury and Wells and the surrounding area. The accommodation is great value for money and food in the bistro is excellent. Comfy bed, a good shower and spotlessly clean rooms. The service is faultless, everyone is friendly and helpful but not intrusively so. The dinner menu is short but varied, everything is presented and cooked to perfection - The homemade tortilla chips are delicious and the breakfast is hearty and well prepared. Will definitely return again, it's perfect for a weekend away with lots to do in the area.

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