Ye Olde Talbot i Worcester

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeYe Olde Talbot


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Friar Street, WR1 2NA, Worcester, Worcestershire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1905 235730
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Latitude: 52.1895517, Longitude: -2.2185981

kommentar 5




    Great Hotel in the centre of town parking next door took 2 ladies there had a great time

  • Simon Minifie

    Simon Minifie


    Great choice of drinks, good atmosphere and friendly staff.

  • en

    Sean Boff


    The rooms where great and it included a buffet breakfast, although they wasn't they accommodating for those who are Veggie/Vegan

  • en

    edd lane


    +positives Friendly staff Good breakfast Comfy rooms Free WiFi -negatives Looking a bit dated. Rooms noisey if you're above the high street Parking is £8 a night in the multi story next door. Overall - I think for what you pay, it's fantastic and great value for money. I've read other reviews and find them unfair if you balance what you pay to what you get. I would happily stay again.

  • en

    Darcy Butler


    The room provision was good, despite a mix up. The staff were business like, not overly friendly or helpful, but got the job done. The room was large, but noise travels in the hotel so be aware of that. Breakfast was tasty, but they lacked soy milk or any vegan option apart from fruit which left one of the group hungry at breakfast. The vegetarian cooked breakfast was tasty though. Overall, would stay again but would bring ear plugs!

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