Balham Mosque i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBalham Mosque


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47a, Balham High Road, SW12 9AW, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 20 8767 2344
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Latitude: 51.4464917, Longitude: -0.1491029

kommentar 5

  • en

    Bilal Khan


    الحمدلله beautiful Masjid Good facilities ,Nice to pray here Pay by phone parking available on old Devonshire Road

  • murtiza amin

    murtiza amin


    Beautiful mosque and staff . MashaAllah

  • AR Builders

    AR Builders


    I agree with the previous rating by Ahmed hammad this mosque deserves 10 stars credit to the maintenance team all mosques in U.K. Should follow Balham mosque example. There's always fresh clean towels available nice ambient atmosphere.

  • en

    Ahmed Hammad


    It's a 5 star Masjid I would say. So nice so beautiful and very clean. Also the staff and the Imaam are superb. I have donated and to all the brothers and sisters please donate generously.

  • Shiraz Chanawala

    Shiraz Chanawala


    Very good funeral service with a modern mortuary. They also have a funeral car. Recently arranged the funeral of a friends dad and the whole process was very seamless.

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