Breslins en Birmingham

Reino UnidoBreslins



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Crosby Court, 28 George Street, Birmingham B3 1QG, UK
contactos teléfono: +44 121 233 0456
sitio web:
mapa e indicaciones
Latitude: 52.48384, Longitude: -1.908131

comentarios 5

  • Ian Bevis

    Ian Bevis


    Having interviewed many accounts to help take the business further we wanted to ensure the new accountant was going to be the right choice. In this Industry it is difficult to compare one accountant to another because of the nature of accounts being so varied and complicated and historical knowledge of business and assets can change things. From all the accountants we grilled - Breslins stood out to be the account for us. Everything was professional but with a friendly approach and as we pushed and asked more it was clear that the other accounts we had spoken to were not in the Premier League. We signed up with Breslins and they took over the business accounts, payroll, pensions and more. The process has been smooth and simple and they have developed a great working relationship with the staff at Chameleon who think the staff at Breslins are amazing. They have become an extension to our office helping ensure we do everything right. We highly recommend them for any company that wants to get the accounts filled correctly, on-time and RIGHT. THANK YOU from all at Chameleon Web Services.

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    Freddie Hawker


    Great company to work with, I would highly recommend.

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    Lee Potter


    I have been with Breslins a number of years now and I have always found them to be very slick, professional and cost effective accountants. They are always at the end of the phone if I have a query, and the staff always pull out the stops to get things done if I have a problem!... I would highly recommend them without question. Director Touchstone Jewellery Ltd/LP Jewellery

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    Mike Baillie


    I have used Breslins professional services for over 10 years. I have always found Paul Breslin and his team to be extremely helpful and efficient.

  • Martin Bladon

    Martin Bladon


    Our company, Minerva GB England Ltd first engaged the services of Breslins in 2013 to assist in some complex legal processes. Since then we have expanded the use of their services and I highly recommend them as professional, efficient and effective. On a personal recommendation a family member also engaged their services with full satisfaction.

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