British Sub-Aqua Club BSAC w Ellesmere Port

Zjednoczone KrólestwoBritish Sub-Aqua Club BSAC



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Telfords Quay, S Pier Rd, Ellesmere Port CH65 4FL, Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakt telefon: +44 151 350 6201
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Latitude: 53.289865, Longitude: -2.8937171

komentarze 5

  • en

    John Armstrong


    As a long time member and a new club founder, I can honestly say BSAC have gone from strength to strength. They are very helpful and supportive to all members, be that supporting indivdual divers, clubs or other activities. They really do show very good examples of 'diving with friends' as they always seem to strive to help make SCUBA diving accessible, safe and enjoyable. I really enjoy diving within the organisation and teaching it to new divers or experienced alike as I can see that it is progressive, supporting and well thought out. Would recommend it to any and all if they want very good quality diver training in a great setting.

  • en

    James Neal


    The British Sub-Aqua Club provide their branches with sensational support and infrastructure to market, develop and expand individual clubs. Cheltenham Sub-Aqua Club has benefitted hugely from its involvement with BSAC, having been given a 'Branch Pod' at the NEC Dive Show in 2015 to promote themselves and continues to receive a great deal of support and encouragement to develop the region's most active branch further still... taking us well beyond the 50 mark in membership numbers!

  • Rachel Quinn

    Rachel Quinn


    Great training, safe diving and a club system that builds a family into your diving world. The most supportive diving network you'll ever find. Member for 32 years!

  • en

    Ran Maggs


    A very friendly, yet professional group of people that care about diving and diver training. Between the support at branch level (your everyday clubs), the regional team and HQ, there is an opportunity to learn and be supported every step of the way. There's plenty of people that will get out of their way to help new and returning members alike, with no pressure to "go on the next course". If you just want to go diving and enjoy diving with likeminded people, give this crowd a go.

  • en

    Maria Harwood


    Fantastic club. "Diving with friends" sums up my experience. I joined over 30 years ago, and been a member ever since. The club structure provides for support and mentoring as well as great diving and training opportunities.

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