Buchanan Bus Station Taxi Rank i Glasgow

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBuchanan Bus Station Taxi Rank


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70, Cowcaddens Road, G4 0BA, Glasgow, Glasgow City, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44
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Latitude: 55.8657688, Longitude: -4.2509178

kommentar 5

  • Kiril Kirilov

    Kiril Kirilov


    Easy to find your way around but I couldn't leave my luggage there because all the spaces were occupied.

  • en

    William Quarrell


    Often busy and there are periods when nothing is there . It's a small rank room for only a few taxis which at peak times makes availability an issue . It is also used by cars dropping people off. So can be a busy and hectic small rank .

  • en

    D Bell


    It's what it says on the tin. Can get a little crowded are busy times but it functions well

  • Tobias Sirianni

    Tobias Sirianni


    Much bigger than the Edinburgh station, really easy to find your way and with many more destinations. When booking in advance it can be really cheap. The station is located right next to the city centre, a small walk. Enjoyed my experience there...

  • David Rey

    David Rey


    No está muy bien señalizado

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