Building Response i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeBuilding Response



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35, Brompton Road, SW3 1DE, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 800 246 5277
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Latitude: 51.5011299, Longitude: -0.1611244

kommentar 5

  • Jerry Lennon

    Jerry Lennon


    Very good job. They got on with the job and cleaned up afterwards.

  • Paul Murphy

    Paul Murphy


    Complete misdiagnosis of my water leak and damage caused to my property. Hundreds of pounds cost over a 2 month period with no resolution, slow response and full payment requested upfront. If you are going to use this firm, get quotes from other local firms and you might save yourself a large cost and actually get the problem rectified

  • karl salvador

    karl salvador


    They are very reliable and the best guys to have to work on my flat in Westbourne. Their work was impeccable and i was very pleased with the result. I didn't any problem dealing with them and they worked out the budget i have for the job. I recommend them to anyone who needs a building/flat repairs, may it be water damage, leak detection, restorations, damp spots and etc.

  • Ann Leigh

    Ann Leigh


    Good staff to come and fix the water leaking at our practice. Thanks for timely work and coming and fixing the issues on the weekend.

  • Sean Galvin

    Sean Galvin


    James was exceptional and a very honest person when it came to rectifying a flat roof leak emanating from a roof terrace given he provided alternative courses of action dependent on cost and longevity of the required mend. Unlike a roofer who doesn't have the equipment to detect a flat roof leak unless it is an obvious one, James has thermal imaging technology and other detection equipment to narrow down the cause of the leak. I have recommended James to friends who have also commented on his fantastic service. Don't waste hours with roofers, James can solve your leak problems in a much shorter time period and cost effective manner.

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