C Anderson & Sons LLP i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeC Anderson & Sons LLP



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25, Filmer Road, SW6 7BP, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7386 8888
internet side: www.andersonandsons.co.uk
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Latitude: 51.479761, Longitude: -0.2074696

kommentar 5

  • Alexandra Toms

    Alexandra Toms


    Dropped a precious earring down the bathroom sink this morning and couldn’t for the life of me detach the pipes. Arranged for someone to come around the same day by 12. They kindly found someone to pop round just 5 mins after I called and had the whole thing wrapped up within the hour.

  • Andreina Campins

    Andreina Campins


    Very DISHONEST company, do not call them. I needed a plumber to fix a leak and called this company because they are on my way to my son’s school. The secretary/receptionist was very quick to take a £50 deposit over the phone. However after reading the bad reviews online I decided to cancel the booking three days before the appointment was due. I requested a refund of my £50 deposit and the very rude secretary kept saying that they would give me a refund and that the accounts manager would give me a call but they have never called me back. I have chased them over the phone and even went in person to their office in Fulham to get my refund but they didn’t give it to me. It’s been more than a month since I cancelled the booking so DO NOT USE THIS COMPANY, they are very dishonest people, especially the receptionist/secretary.

  • Natalie Aspess

    Natalie Aspess


    I noticed a leak at 5pm coming from under my loo, I called and explained the situation and that I have an 8 week old baby. Within 20 minutes the plumber was with me! Investigated and fixed the problem within an hour! I am so impressed! I have saved the phone number for the future and will be using you again when/if another plumbing issue! Thank you so much!!!!

  • Munim Choudhury

    Munim Choudhury


    When I've left a message via Check a trade plumber called me within an hour t9 say that he is very busy and couldn't attend to the job. But he was polite and helpful, that's all I can say

  • zunaina afnan

    zunaina afnan


    Getting an appointment was very first. This was the 3rd time I have used their service. My kitchen sink is working perfectly fine. The gentleman who came in to fix the blockage was super nice. Apologies that I don't remember his name, service was super quick, he was very friendly , chatty (in a good way), cheerful and very helpful. I will definitely try my best to get the same gentleman next time if I get any sink issue next time.

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