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๐ opening times
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36-40, Hallam Street, W1W 6NW, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Kรถnigreich
contacts phone: +44 20 7580 1355
larger map & directionsLatitude: 51.5203781, Longitude: -0.1434125
rabbi mizrachi
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James Lasry
::Warm and friendly community. Nice prayers.
Alex L
::This synagogue is incredbly welcoming, friendly, and beautiful. We visited for a Shabbat and were treated like members of the congregation. We were even invited to the beautiful Kiddush! If I'm ever back in London, I'll be coming back to Central Synagogue.
Shanaya Shanaya
::The worst synagogue of my life I've never been treated so poorly I was told to put a veil on my head!
Alex Lolua
::It's a big and strong FAMILLY. This is ideal of jewish community.