doodlesplash - art on gifts i Birmingham

Det Forenede Kongerigedoodlesplash - art on gifts



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94, High Street, B14 7JZ, Birmingham, West Midlands, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 121 444 6118
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Latitude: 52.4351504, Longitude: -1.8929154

kommentar 5

  • en

    naresh parmar


    Sorry Allen! This being a extremely late response from me, on what was your outstanding service. Thank you very much for your professional experience on the very large quantity of photos. The variety of detailed work which you had to carry out, your Patience, and your genuine desire to produce excellent results. The photos and the memories they hold,are now proudly displayed and your work is often admired. Thank you once again for all that you did, I am forever grateful. Marie ☺☺☺

  • en

    Susan Brakels


    Alan was really helpful both on the phone and in the shop. Picture quality good, packed well and delivered on time. Will recommend Many thanks

  • Peter Mortiboy

    Peter Mortiboy


    I had 4no. photos enlarged onto 16''x 20''canvas,(2 of which were taken by a professional friend,so cannot show in order to respect his copyright).I'm not normally one to write any sort of review,or reply to those annoying texts you get just after you leave a place of business,asking about your 'experiance'.Indeed this is taking a while as I only type with one finger! I would just like say how pleased I was with the results and very reasonable price on the multiple order.The service was friendly, professional and quick.I appreciated the call letting me know the order was ready,especially as I was nearby at the time.I would happily recommend their service,and look forward to having and enlarging my diving adventures in the future!

  • en

    Natalie Copestick


    Excellent service, brilliant prices. Overall well impressed would recommend to everyone.

  • Daniela Dedu

    Daniela Dedu


    Excellent service , definetely recommended to anyone else, very good price as well!

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