Enterprise Rent-A-Car i Dundee

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeEnterprise Rent-A-Car



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131, Seagate, DD1 2HW, Dundee, Dundee City, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 1382 205040
internet side: www.enterprise.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 56.4636683, Longitude: -2.9651086

kommentar 5

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    Louis Cruickshank


    i have rented lots of car from enterprise but just last week was going to rent again but noticed that the price had shot up from £23.00 to nearly £80.00 per day so i emailed the company to find out why the price for the smallest car had nearly quadrupled and reply was supply and demand had a look a couple days later back down to unde £27.00 but just checked today and prices seemed to have gone up again. this looks to me like a rip off i know that prices can go up and down but not by that much. just pure greed.

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    Sally Cuthbert


    It could not have been easier and the helpfulness and friendliness of the young woman who served me made me leave feeling better about the world.

  • Marco Sorrentino

    Marco Sorrentino


    What a very unpleasant experience.. This morning I decided to rent a car with enterprise so I looked on the agency 's website to check the car availability. There was an available car so I booked it and I received the confirmation email. Unexpectedly when I and my family got to the shop, a young man that worked there claimed there weren't no available cars. The enterprise car park was full of cars so we asked for explanation;consequently another clerk woman was very unpolite telling us that there were no available cars despite of the email of confirmation. In addition to this they also told us that there weren't any others opened car rental shops near there. It was false as we found Arnold Clark which was 4 minute far from there. I advice strongly against enterprise rent a car.

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    Steve Nussbaum


    We had booked a vehicle with a competitor 9 months in advance of our trip. We arrived to find that all they had available was a 10 person "cargo" van. The staff there were absolutely unhelpful. We walked up the street to Enterprise and although all their vehicles were spoken for, Stephen and Chloe phoned around and kept trying different avenues until in a short period of time, they had us a suitable vehicle that served us well for the next 23 days. Stephen and Chloe were understanding, professional, kind and funny which enhanced our experience tremendously. We cant say enough about them as well as their manager all of whom came up with creative solutions to help us. We highly recommend these folks and the Dundee office and will be using Enterprise Rent-A-Car from now on. With thanks and appreciation to Stephen, Chloe and the rest of the team at Dundee Enterprise Rent-A-Car!!!! Warm Regards, Steve and Sher

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    Liz Law


    My son and I were picked up from Dundee station by Marta, she was very pleasant and welcoming. The overall customer service was excellent, they did offer me a free upgrade but accommodated my request for a small car. Also dropped me back to the station. Very easy and will happily use them again in the future.

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