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5-7, Saint Peter's Gate, NG1 2JF, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 115 950 9666
internet side: www.exceljewellery.co.uk
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Latitude: 52.9527541, Longitude: -1.1476244

kommentar 5

  • en

    Tara Bath


    I’m delighted with my beautiful engagement ring. The Excel staff were welcoming and helpful, and worked with us to design our lovely unique ring. I can’t stop looking at it!

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    Nina Taggart


    I am so happy with my wedding ring. It was cut to fit with my engagement ring and it is perfect! It was really quick, and they only had to take my engagement ring to check the fit for a few days (other places I had enquired at needed to send my ring off for 8 weeks to do the same job!) I was also really happy with the cost, and I can't wait to wear it! Everyone was lovely and helpful too! Thank you 😀

  • Sophie Hutchinson

    Sophie Hutchinson


    We have collected our wedding rings and we are delighted with them. We had a few bespoke requirements and they have surpassed our expectations with the quality and communication. Their customer service was excellent, they explained the process well and worked to our budget and another quote we had received. They polished my engagement ring and have offered to polish again just before our wedding. Highly recommend.

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    Deborah Whitworth


    I collected my ring today from Excel and am absolutely delighted. I had inherited a brooch from my grandmother but never wore it so wanted to change it into something I would wear. I tried a few jewellers to get quotes to incorporate the small antique diamonds into a ring but was told it would not be worth the effort . Someone recommended Excel and I received fantastic service from John, Wendy & Brooke. I took in some images of the kind of thing I had in mind and although I never met him, Harry interpreted my vision perfectly, making a unique and beautiful contemporary ring. I would definitely recommend Excel Jewellers

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    Olivia Silkstone


    I have just received a beautiful engagement ring that had been designed and made for me by excel. I absolutely love it. I have needed it resizing twice which has been no trouble. The two girls in the shop have provided excellent customer service. We will definitely be using them for our wedding rings.

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