Formby Cycles w Formby

Zjednoczone KrólestwoFormby Cycles



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101-103, Altcar Road, L37 8DL, Formby, Merseyside, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakt telefon: +44 1704 835720
strona internetowej:
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Latitude: 53.5539678, Longitude: -3.0409978

komentarze 5

  • Me rava

    Me rava


    Having visited several other bike shops before, I can assure you that this is the best one in Liverpool. I bought a bike last year at Evans Cycles for £800 and it was a waste of money. Due to the fact they were in a hurry to sell me the bike and they did not allow me to try it, I had to get rid of it after a year. Today at Formby Cycles Tom was fabulous; he spent 3 hours with me making sure my choice of bike was the right one. He provided in depth information and guidance about different bikes and I was allowed to try 3 different bikes. He helped me choose other bits of gear and his service was highly professional, honest and genuinely friendly. I have visited Halfords and Evans cycles before and there is no comparison. Don't waste your time and money anywhere else and pay them a visit. You will not regret it!

  • Mark Taylor

    Mark Taylor


    The staff at Formby Cycles were superb. I can whole-heartedly recommend them. Prior to visiting Formby Cycles, I had tried six bike shops in Chester and none offered the customer service or range of bikes that I found here. I test rode several bikes on the Saturday, ordered my preferred option on the Tuesday and collected my new Lady the following Saturday. Brilliant. In addition to the bike, I bought pedals, clothing and accessories and received the same service consideration throughout.

  • en

    P J


    Fantastic bike shop, probably the best in Liverpool. Better than Halfords for most things. Halfords is better for cheap bike servicing. This shop is better for choice. The give great advice on bikes too. Definitely worth the drive up to take a look.

  • en

    Dominika Hrtusova


    110% happy with service. The staff is very friendly and helpful. Especially thumbs up for Dave ! Recommended

  • en



    Having visited every bike shop imaginable in a 30 mile radius and being 5'4 it was a breath of fresh air to visit Formby Cycles today!! The range of different sizes in the store made it possible for me to finally sit on a bike that was the right size for me. The guy in the store couldn't be more helpful he explained the difference in features between the bikes I was interested in and gave me frank and honest opinion of the bikes. There was no sales patter and no pressure to buy anything. I will definitely be going back when I have chosen which bike I want to buy from here

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