Halfords i Lisburn

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHalfords



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31-33, Hillsborough Road, BT28 1JL, Lisburn, Lisburn, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 28 9263 5960
internet side: www.halfords.com
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Latitude: 54.5073588, Longitude: -6.0463053

kommentar 5

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    Danny Boy Blue


    Great store very friendly & helpfull staff

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    Sammy Bates


    Very help full at all times manager very help full ok

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    Barbara Courtney


    Ordered a radio and windscreen wipers online. Called into the store today, I had asked at the checkout section to have them fitted, for a reasonable amount, and was greeted by a super friendly guy at the Lisburn branch, CHRIS. Nothing was too much trouble for this guy. He was very cheerful and courteous and I had also asked if he could look at a little light that was coming on.which wasn't on my order. He tried his best to fix it but to no avail. It was a mechanical issue. After paying for the items.Chris reassured me if anything should go wrong, just to call back. In this day and age it's hard to find such a lovely guy who goes above and beyond his duties. So happy with the service and a massive THANK YOU CHRIS.

  • Andy Mc

    Andy Mc


    Super customer service in lisburn store today chris and neal done a great job with our new bikes thanks

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    Colin Brady


    Avoid if you can, staff lack knowledge and don't seem to want to help. Store is poorly stocked and you always have to wait ages to be served, even when the store is empty. Twice we've reserved items for click and collect and they've been out if stock when we've got there. Lisburn Auto Parts is practically next door and will get you sorted quickly and with no fuss.

nærmeste Cykel butik

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