Hayley owen Funeral director i York

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Det Forenede KongerigeHayley owen Funeral director



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136, Boroughbridge Road, YO26 6AL, York, York, GB Wielka Brytania
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 792525
internet side: www.yorkfunerals.uk
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Latitude: 53.9668395, Longitude: -1.126756

kommentar 5

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    Becky C


    Word can not describe how truly wonderful Haley Owens and her staff really are, From the moment we walked through her door ,Haley and her staff we're welcoming and put are family at ease,truly professional,understanding ,and for filled everything we required,infact she went above and beyond for us.i wish Haley and her staff all the best in the work they do ,and thank you for bringing my aunty back home to Ireland Safely she is at peace now.

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    Kelly Sanderson


    There just isn't enough words in the world to describe how thankful I am to you Hayley for taking such amazing care of my beautiful Nancy! She was looked after, from start to finish, to the highest of standards! You went above & beyond. You truly are amazing. I'll be forever grateful. Thank you, from the bottom of my heart! Xx

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    Carol Newbould


    We would like to thank Hayley and her team for the care and compassion shown after losing our beautiful daughter Lisa. Nothing was too much trouble as she guided us through the funeral arrangements. Sadly three days after her funeral I also lost my much loved brother in very difficult circumstances and once again Haley provided much needed help and support. She remained professional throughout but I also felt so at ease with her, as if I was talking to a good friend. I would certainly recommend anyone in their hour of need to contact her. Thank you so much, we will be forever grateful for the way you supported us in laying our loved ones to rest.

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    victoria sanderson


    Highly recommended Hayley has some beautiful and unique ideas to make each funeral special for the families. Hayley is kind caring and compassionate and professional throughout. My Nannas funeral was beautiful and perfect for her thank you

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    Tonie Houlston


    Hayley was absolutely Fantastic from start to finish and is still there for me. She went above and beyond to ensure the whole process was as painless as it could be at such an awful time. I chose Hayley through recommendation and would highly recommend her to anyone else. She shows compassion,professionalism, gives great advice and I can't thank her enough!

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