Henrietta House i Bath

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHenrietta House



🕗 åbningstider

33, Henrietta Street, BA2 6LR, Bath, Bath and North East Somerset, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1225 632632
internet side: www.henriettahouse.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.3842669, Longitude: -2.3565217

kommentar 5

  • Á A

    Á A


    Quite old and basic, large enough rooms, not very good single beds, nice breakfast.

  • Jim Darling

    Jim Darling


    It was awful here. Horrible location, terrible old building, disinterested staff and pokey rooms. Don't book it* *this is all untrue but I don't want the place to be so popular I can never get a room. :) It was lovely, staff were wonderful and the location perfect. Breakfast was incredible. Please don't all book in a rush now!

  • Steve Warren

    Steve Warren


    Great welcome, large room and amazing breakfast. Biggest range of quality cooked options I have ever seen. Lovely staff.Victorian bathroom and old furniture. Lift to all floors. Dining room slightly small as could not accommodate all at the same time at 9:00 on a Sunday morning. Parking is tricky. We will come back I am sure.

  • en

    Vincenzo Prencipe


    Henrietta House is for sure a 5 out of 5 stars! Everything was perfect there, the room was tidy and clean (trust we couldn't find any dust anywhere ahah) and a great welcoming with handmade biscuits and fresh fruits, teas and coffees and facilities for the shower :) they provide also books in the room or just outside the door. I have loved the customer service during breakfast, all the ladies were friendly and professional with us and not only breakfast was included in the price but you could also choose from a buffet tablet and a menu with so many interesting plates (and you were free to ask for more food without being charged!). The hotel was one of the cheapest in Bath for that days and definitely It was worth all the good comments i saw before booking. Is located 5 minutes walk from the city centre so It's perfect :) I'll come back for sure!

  • Phil Douglas

    Phil Douglas


    Very impressive little hotel/guesthouse. Friendly and helpful staff both on reception and at breakfast. The best breakfast we encountered in several weeks in the UK. The bed was reasonably comfortable and a good size. The location was very good - out of the really busy areas, but still just a short walk away. Highly recommended.

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