HOGAN Boutique i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeHOGAN Boutique



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10, Sloane Street, SW1X 9LE, London, Greater London, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7245 6363
internet side: www.hogan.com
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 51.5004837, Longitude: -0.1601301

kommentar 5

  • syrrus k lartey

    syrrus k lartey


    Great place to visit and shop staff excellently helpful

  • en

    Atticus Finch


    Never in all my years of shopping online (and I started shopping online ahead of the curve) have I had such a poor performance from a website or the retailer that it represents. Absolutely awful experience. Ordered a pair of shoes in my size. Wrong size sent. Want to exchange but after trying for days to add the next size down to my bag but instead after having continuously been told that the website is being udated, or the website just being unresponsive, finally when it does work this size is no longer in stock. What’s worse is that the website then tells me that this size is available, but then is unresponsive again and when it responds the size is no longer available. The store in Sloane street does not accept returns of faulty goods, and instead I have had to leave my shoes with the people there for them to be sent to Italy to be examined (despite the fact that they are clearly faulty). Terrible customer service.

  • Abdulrahman Al-Utaibi

    Abdulrahman Al-Utaibi


    Very nice comfortable shoses

  • Mov Eros

    Mov Eros


    Stylish and comfortable shoes and nice personnel, I love it!

  • es

    jair bel


    Estilo adaptabilidad en un zapato

nærmeste Sko butik

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