Lambeth Cemetery i London

Det Forenede KongerigeLambeth Cemetery



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Blackshaw Road, SW17 0BY, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7926 4221
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Latitude: 51.428036, Longitude: -0.180223

kommentar 5

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    Marie Harris


    It is reasonably well kept but the opening hours should be later especially in the summer and weekends

  • Area1Photography



    Professional Funeral and Memorial Photography by Area1Photography. James 07927 307 649

  • Alexianna



    Could see this cemetery from my hotel room and it looked beautiful. Would have liked to walk round it if we had time.

  • en

    Mary Reed


    Finally after 7yrs that I have been visiting they are making improvements to the roads and pathways,this cemetary needs a lot of work,toilets need improving there needs to be more seating for visitors.they should take a leaf out of Garth rd /North east Surrey cemetary beautifully kept and a pleasure to visit. march 6th 2016

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    Wanda Brister Rachwal


    I went there in May, looking for someone's grave. We found it, the tombstone several inches under earth and grass. Tombstone had gone flat from vertical and no one noticed... We uncovered (with the help of a groundskeeper) and he refurbished the stone for 50 quid. The grass when I got there was about 2 feet high. When I returned the next week, the entire cemetery had been groomed. It does suffer from a bit of benign neglect. Unless the family is faithful to their departed, there is not much upkeep going on there.

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