Leaders Brighton Fiveways - Letting & Estate Agents w Brighton

Zjednoczone KrólestwoLeaders Brighton Fiveways - Letting & Estate Agents



🕗 godziny otwarcia

290, Ditchling Road, BN1 6FJ, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove, GB United Kingdom
kontakt telefon: +44 1273 561534
strona internetowej: www.leaders.co.uk
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 50.8432006, Longitude: -0.1342596

komentarze 5

  • en

    Chloe Goble


    Great communication all the way through the process. Helpful and understanding. Listened to our needs and questions and supported us with it all. Highly recommend. Huge Thank you to Kerrie.

  • en

    Romana Janouchova


    Thank you for an excellent service to everyone involved. Especially Klaudia who showed us the flat in the first place and Kerrie who helped us during whole process of tenancy. It was lovely to cooperate with you! Great, helpful and friendly staff. We are pleased with our new flat and we are sending a big thank you to you Leaders.

  • Billy Dawson

    Billy Dawson


    Leaders were fantastic in guiding and helping us find our new flat. They were very happy to help at any point!

  • en

    Harry Wilson


    I generally do not trust estate agents. A positive experience is hard to come by. But Kerrie is an exception, providing one of the most positive experiences I have had dealing with with this dodgy breed. She was professional throughout, maintaining a relaxed, thoughtful and insightful guide. She listened and responded clearly, she knew when to be quiet. I always felt respected. She deserves 5 stars.

  • CW Erichsen

    CW Erichsen


    If you want someone who will go the extra mile for you, look no further than Kerrie Knight. She is honest, friendly and efficient - an unbeatable combination by any standard. We signed on a place in Preston Park with no further input than the photos on the web, her assurances and descriptions. We did not regret placing our trust in her. We love the place. Thank you Kerrie.

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