Macrae & Dick - Inverness i Inverness

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMacrae & Dick - Inverness



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66, Harbour Road, IV1 1UF, Inverness, Highland, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1463 230430
internet side:
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 57.4850538, Longitude: -4.2052941

kommentar 5

  • en

    Maddison Lebon


    Very highly recommended...excellent selection of cars & helpful courteous staff

  • Buck Macdonald

    Buck Macdonald


    Very friendly customer service staff and technicians. I've had two warranty issues along with 3 routine services and they've been dealt with quickly and efficiently each time. Happy to return.

  • en

    Innes Manson


    Had Mazdas for years and never had any issues, until I bought one as a second car and started dealing with Parks Mazda Inverness. What a bloody joke of a place. I've been trying to get a high level brake light replaced for the last 5 months with one cock up after another. It's now a case of fourth time lucky, hopefully. They only get one star because one of the service receptionists is very polite. Other than that, hopeless. Avoid at all costs.

  • Jamie Hill

    Jamie Hill


    Fantastic experience,sent an email enquiry re a used Audi. I got a phone call from Tim Williamson who described the car and forwarded a video presentation within an hour. Tim answered all my questions and returned all calls promptly, no pressure sales. As I was travelling from NI I was concerned re the condition and description. Deposit paid and I travelled across. I can honestly say the car was under sold in its description, pristine wouldn't come close. Full tank of fuel, fully serviced and at a fantastic price. Excellent experience, well done Parks

  • en

    Kevin Pratt


    I bought a car here. Excellent service and helpful when your car needs fixed

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