Mall Galleries Art Consultancy i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMall Galleries Art Consultancy



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17, Carlton House Terrace, SW1Y 5BD, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7930 6844
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Latitude: 51.5066432, Longitude: -0.1302883

kommentar 3

  • Femi Amao

    Femi Amao


    We would highly recommend the Mall Galleries Art Consultancy. Annabel and her team provided excellent advice in the process of commissioning a portraiture. The artists represented by the Consultancy are of an impressive standard. We are very pleased with the portrait that we commissioned through Mall Galleries.

  • Bill NewtonDunn

    Bill NewtonDunn


    Very helpful advice. All I needed.

  • Museum of the Order of St John

    Museum of the Order of St John


    Annabel Elton was extremely helpful, professional and insightful in meeting a detailed brief in the search for an appropriate portrait artist. Her understanding of my needs and appreciation for the nature of the portrait required resulted in a seamless and enjoyable process of selection. The selected artists all met the brief in their own unique ways, and the information provided was perfectly interpreted by Annabel, who instinctively understood what was required. The Mall Galleries Art Consultancy provided an impeccable service.

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