Marks & Spencer Newport Retail Park i Newport

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMarks & Spencer Newport Retail Park



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Units 16 To 18, Newport Retail Park, Newport NP19 4QQ, Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1633 283217
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Latitude: 51.5762474, Longitude: -2.9439245

kommentar 5

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    Like this place staff are always friendly. But our recent experience was not So, we popped in for a coffee and cake (we often do). To find the gap between to seats incasesd with food and not just that days. I understand how busy it is but gravely disappointed.

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    Maria Evans


    Bit disappointed that the food hall didn't have everything I needed. What I did get was good quality fresh produce, tho' a bit more expensive than other major supermarkets. Needed to return a few items of clothing for refund, transaction was handled efficiently, but the assistant was very po faced & unsociable. VERY unusual, M&S assistants are usually so friendly & helpful it's a pleasure to be served by them. Won't put me off though, 1 unsociable assistant in my years of M& S shopping I can ignore!!

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    Clare Owen Owen


    Love marks. The one in spotty is great. Free parking an added bonus. Good ladies section. Homeware is limited. Cafe gets busy too. Prices in cafe are high. Shame.

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    david shelley


    We shop at this store every weekend. Various staff always say hello and maybe chat for a few minutes. The shelves in the food hall are always well stocked, as are all other departments. A lovely cafe upstairs caters for a range of food and drink, (reasonably priced) and, also on the 1st floor are toilet facilities for everyone from babies to disabled! Parking is directly outside the main doors and caters for all needs.

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    Carron Abbott


    Love m&s, it's one of my favourite stores. Being a size 18 and long in the leg I find it hard to get trousers. If there's none in store I just order them online and pick them up in a local store and there's no delivery charge. Got to say I really love your own label port, it beats all the rest.

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