Masjid Al-Khazra i Nottingham

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMasjid Al-Khazra



🕗 åbningstider

Queensberry Street, NG6 0DG, Nottingham, Nottinghamshire, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 115 837 1338
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Latitude: 52.986454, Longitude: -1.1802435

kommentar 5

  • en

    landing badjan


    Just moved around the area few months ago and noticed that this masjid is just around the corner. thanks to Allah. Very nice masjid, the imam was very open, and the people are very nice, great place to perform for all your daily prayers .

  • Mutiullah Khan

    Mutiullah Khan


    Excellent place to send your children to learn Quran. Mosque provides all relevant services to the community including a permanent dawah exhibition.

  • Farukh Ashraf

    Farukh Ashraf


    Very friendly and welcoming Masjid, decent facilities for both brothers and sisters, no warm water to do wudu with, parking available. I have always had a positive experience when attended. Is a working progress Masjid, feedback is taken on board in a positive & proactive manner

  • Mohammed Khaled Tumbi

    Mohammed Khaled Tumbi


    Very Nice Masjid. May Allah Accept their efforts. Sisters Praying Area Available. We really like Monthly Programme which happen First Saturday of every month (most of the time).

  • en

    Faizaan Ahmed


    Was there for 24 hrs, bad vibes from the time we stepped in. Possibly bearable but 1 guy gave us the evil eyes eventhough we tried to be nice. Quite difficult to stay there. Knowledge without love, humbleness and concern for others causes pride. But I could be wrong in my short stay so don't fully rely on me. However would never recommend sending your children. P.s I have my own Madresa so I am not just ranting

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