Mercedes Benz of Salisbury i Salisbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMercedes Benz of Salisbury



🕗 åbningstider

Southampton Road, SP1 2JS, Salisbury, Wiltshire, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1722 662865
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Latitude: 51.0640275, Longitude: -1.7845893

kommentar 5

  • en

    Ash Shahid


    Would like to sayTHANK YOU!! A* after Sales service from Sandown Mercedes Salisbury, It makes a huge difference to the full experience of buying a car. I highly recommend them and will be recommending them to my family/friends. From the point of sale to the follow up a satisfied experience. Would like to thank Craig (Salisbury Mercedes) for understanding my frustration and taking action immediately, Which truth be told were minor issues. Thank you once again and will see you soon! Ash shahid PX64 WDV

  • en

    Rich Matthews


    Great service from friendly staff. Price of a main dealer service is a bit scary, but doesn't detract from the customer experience

  • andrew fudge

    andrew fudge


    Nice and friendly. Very helpful 😉

  • steve palmer

    steve palmer


    If you're buying a merecedes this is the place to go. New or used. Excellent service, nothing is too much trouble.

  • Paul Anderson

    Paul Anderson


    I was not impressed with the attitude and incorrect pricing by the service assistant, can't see I would recommend unless you car is in warranty

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