Minworth Club & Lodge w Minworth

Zjednoczone KrólestwoMinworth Club & Lodge



🕗 godziny otwarcia

Robinsons Way, B76 9BB, Minworth, West Midlands, GB United Kingdom
kontakt telefon: +44 121 351 3531
strona internetowej: www.minworthclubandlodge.co.uk
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 52.5269464, Longitude: -1.7664203

komentarze 5

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    Lynne Gough


    Booked my wedding reception In the lounge event room 26th March 2018. 10/10 Clean and respectable. Really friendly staff especially Kayleigh. Very helpful on the days leading up to event and the day of the event. Went out of their way to ensure every things went smoothly. Would definatly book this club again Big thank you to every one who was involved in our day. Lynne and Steve . X

  • en

    Martin Gibson


    First the good points, it was cheap, it has a large car park. The room had 4 single beds crammed in, no where to hang clothes and to make a hot drink the kettle had to be moved across the room to a power socket. The bathroom had the last occupants soap and shower gel in the soap tray.

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    Paul Dyson


    Went here for a 60th birthday party. The had 2 function rooms which were surprisingly large. Nice place to have a party

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    Naomi Heslam


    Absolutely terrible, booked months in advance for one night for crufts in The nec. We got to the lodge after our first day at crufts didn’t even know where to book in, got directions when we got in there the staff were no were to be found one of us had to fight through the crowd in the bar area as apparently there was a massive game on ( should of been told in advance), asked where would we eat apparently they booked out the room for a party so the only place would could eat was the bar and it was packed with about 40+ men and women couldn’t even get passed them so we asked if there was somewhere close to eat and told us everywhere would be busy... we was gonna stay just for the bed but decided not to in the end went back to the car to redicuss and decided not to stay.... was really discusted by the service provided and they even took the money for the 2 rooms that we didn’t even stay in and offer some kind of refund.. tried ringing told us owner would ring back and didn’t even happen we are now in April and this happened at beginning of March!!

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    Mick Tocker


    Sounds daft 5 stars. But it honest and it was perfect for what its purpose is for. A genuine overnight stay , close to Motorway network , good breakfast , friendly staff. Have a drink ( if you need one with getting ripped off) then GI back onto life's wonderful treadmill.

najbliższy Bar

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