Monkbar Pharmacy i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeMonkbar Pharmacy



🕗 åbningstider

3, Goodramgate, YO1 7LJ, York, York, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 626181
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.9626072, Longitude: -1.0785072

kommentar 5

  • en

    Silvia Schofield


    Very good use pharmacy often always very helpful pleasure to go . thank you all.

  • James Richardson

    James Richardson


    Excellent + friendly service allways! And stocks a good variety with pharmacists who are happy to advise, Also open early (7:39) to late (22:30).

  • Liz Rylott

    Liz Rylott


    Don't know their names, but wonderfully helpful, knowledgeable and friendly staff. I went for advice and vaccinations for a trip to Nairobi. Phone answered quickly, next-working-day appointment made, quick on the day service. Monkbar pharmacy could not have done a better job!

  • Kim Longman

    Kim Longman


    Both Paul & Neil were incredibly helpful when we used their travel service. They gave my girlfriend and I excellent advice about the vaccinations we required, going above and beyond to email me with info on a vaccination program. They were really friendly and approachable at all times. This on top of their excellent opening hours means I would highly recommend them, thanks :)

  • Jarrad Yardley

    Jarrad Yardley


    I called Monkbar Farmacy to discuss some travel vaccinations and they were very friendly and knowledgeable. Very friendly people and professional. Got me in straight away without delay and they are open amazing hours making it so much easier for us 9-5 folks. All in all very happy with this place.

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