Odeon Cinema Brighton i Brighton

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeOdeon Cinema Brighton


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West Street, BN1 2RE, Brighton, The City of Brighton and Hove, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 333 014 4501
internet side: www.odeon.co.uk
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Latitude: 50.8210795, Longitude: -0.1453154

kommentar 5

  • en

    Zaviyae Z


    Had an absolutely terrible experience. I went with a friend to rewatch Black Panther (as we had free tickets and she hadn't seen it) . We ordered popcorn and drinks for the film the prices were outrageous and the removal of the student deal is just a money grab... Everything appeared to be fine until towards the end of the film where I found the popcorn had some form of chocolate at the bottom and I am highly lactose intolerant. Woke up with a very bad reaction and swollen throat.. Staff weren't on site and we had to leave urgently but I kept the evidence. Contacted them but they couldn't even give me the decency to reply back. Extremely disappointed and will never be returning.. Cineworld is much better value anyway

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    David Monk


    No real surprises here; it's a chain cinema. Snacks and beverages are expensive, although you can get deals on ticket prices. The weekend 10/10.30 kids films are much cheaper. The staff are generally helpful, although the ticket desk is often closed, so you have to buy your tickets at the popcorn/drinks counter, which I find odd for some reason. If using mobile tickets/vouchers, download them to your phone before you come in as phone reception inside the foyer is notoriously poor. All in all, it's ok. I go here because it's the closest cinema to my home only.

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    Gill Moore


    I ordered tickets online. Easy to use machines to pick up tickets. Good range of snacks and drinks available. Expensive though! Nice friendly staff. Only downside, you have to use Churchill Square car park. Which is expensive. They advertise on the website that they give you 3 hours free parking. However, this is only valid after 5.30 p.m.

  • Kevin Wan

    Kevin Wan


    A suitable cinema - good seating, large and suitable screens with a good selection of movies. It's Brighton main cinema so expect the main movies to appear here and average prices, so pop corn and more will be at a higher price. The building itself is nice enough but when busy can be limiting in terms of toilets and good seating.

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    Peter Walsh


    Building really showing its age and the exterior is very scruffy. The film selection is very safe and mainstream. Anything artsy or gritty is banished to the smallest screen or shown at odd times. Everything seems to be centered around the concessions area. Always quicker to buy your ticket from the machines. However, the young staff are friendly and Screen 5 is a good place to see the big blockbusters.

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