Peek A Booze i Blackpool

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Det Forenede KongerigePeek A Booze



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72-74, Dickson Road, FY1 2AR, Blackpool, Blackpool, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 7864 280014
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.8228388, Longitude: -3.053462

kommentar 5

  • en

    Adam Mclean


    lovely little bar, cheap prices, great entertainment and nice atmosphere

  • Ryan Barry

    Ryan Barry


    The bar is great and the beer is good too. We were in room 7 though and it needs a lot of tlc. Double bed against the wall, blinds with gaps in them and no curtains. Poor decoration, bathroom tap dripped. Chair was broken. Some rooms need a good overhaul.

  • en

    Diane Richards


    We have just been to Blackpool and spent most off our night's in,Peek a Booze. All I can say is it's a fabulous place for entertainment. The bar staff, Kelly is so lovely, Kayak, Phil, Rea and Gary are friendly and helpful. CYBIL is a fantastic entertainer,and a great host . Victoria, Zanady, Rita, and Alec are brilliant. We loved it so much, we have decided to try and stay there next year. All the customer's was brilliant with us and made us so welcome, Christopher and zack, Nicky and her friends . We went in as strangers but left we lots of friends. Love the the place. Diane, Mudge ( mum). Xxx 💞

  • vivek verma

    vivek verma


    Fantastic prices, exciting entertaining atmosphere. Will recommend to all fun party loving people's, the one who loves to stay late up at night and love to crash down on comfy bed in cozy room. Not advisable for people with early bed routine, music and other sounds happening downstairs pub goes until until 1 or 2am. Five minutes walk from pleasure beach promenade and city centre makes this place very ideal hunt for budget travelers.

  • en

    Lynn Duncan


    What a fab eve out great staff lovely peps great cabaret fan voice made our 9 hour drive worth it well done !!!

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