Picton Cycles i Liverpool

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePicton Cycles



🕗 åbningstider

11-13, High Street, L15 8HE, Liverpool, Merseyside, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 151 733 5507
internet side: www.pictoncycles.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 53.3990441, Longitude: -2.9217128

kommentar 5

  • William Asher

    William Asher


    I went to Picton Cycles to get a new groupset fitted on my road bike which they price matched. It was fitted and ready to ride the next day. I am so happy I have a local bike shop that does quality work at great prices and my bike feels incredible Thanks again Bill Asher.

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    charlie swann


    seen some bad reviews on here..used picton for the first time this week and have no problem recommending it to anyone.they did not have the bike i wanted but gave really good advice and a good deal on another..even gave me a dropper post to seal the deal..thanks lads 👍

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    Danny L F C


    -***** this shops five stars review are all done by staff if you read them it's so obvious they are all the same.As you can see. They are so promotional. It's funny.

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    James Gilleece


    These guys have serviced my bikes for the past two decades. They have never let me down to date. Great value and service. Staff are v friendly and there is a very quick turnaround for bike service and repairs.

  • Nigel Chatwin

    Nigel Chatwin


    Friendly and helpful staff. Experienced in fixing my bike. If you want a proper Italian made bike in Liverpool this is the shop to buy: Competitive prices and great service. Thanks guys👍

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