Pizza Pilgrims i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePizza Pilgrims



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23, Garrick Street, WC2E 9BN, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7240 4145
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.5115633, Longitude: -0.1267773

kommentar 5

  • Francesco De Caro

    Francesco De Caro


    Great Pizza, the choices are few but the quality is great. The staff is friendly and the service is super fast. The atmosphere is casual.

  • en

    Gurpreet Tang


    Great staff, wait was well over 40 minutes as it was one of those try before you die Pizzas so why not. Ordered a ticket salad , Magherita pizza and a coke. Atmosphere and decor was very nice inside. The pizza was okay the base was very thin, the cheese was not all over everything and the tomato sauce was okay. It’s an okay pizza but not amazing.

  • dave patten

    dave patten


    There are a number of Pizza Pilgrims in central London and they are all very good. Great pizza's - traditional thin crust Italian style, super fast service. Would recommend having a negroni whilst you wait for your pizza to be cooked. As well as the seating upstairs their is also seating in the basement. This restaurant is not that big but even if its full when you arrive you typically don't have to wait that long to get a table.

  • en



    THE best pizza in London (possibly UK) ! The service is excellent - super quick / efficient and friendly. The pizza though.. is excellent. You get a whole place of pizza to yourself and more often than not it over takes the size of the plate! It's so good you can legitimately go there and have a margherita pizza without any other toppings and still love it.. its that good! I normally go for fresh garlic and some anchovies... divine. Its a modest sized restaurant which can get busy - (another great sign). Its our go-to place for team lunch when at work.

  • en

    Neil Patel


    Good pizza place. Good location, friendly staff and reasonably priced. The service was fast but if you haven’t made a booking you’ll need to queue for a while. There aren’t that many choices of pizza on the menu but they taste good! Would recommend.

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