Pret A Manger i Cambridge

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigePret A Manger



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Unit 19 Lion Yard, Petty Cury, Cambridge CB2 3NE, Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7932 5242
internet side:
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Latitude: 52.2051764, Longitude: 0.1212066

kommentar 5

  • en

    Vince Jess Palmer


    Nice store, prompt service, hassle free.

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    Sam Roberts


    I liked healthy sendwitches here

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    Jonathan Storey


    Absolutely vile that their manager on Wednesday 26th of July refused to acknowledge a missing persons poster. We understand a company's policy but there was a total lack of compassion. He could have at least offered to keep it under the counter/in the staff area but was incredibly rude and short instead. Won't be going to pret anytime soon

  • Oliver Foster

    Oliver Foster


    I recently put in an order for lunch for a meeting for my company. Firstly I had difficulty using the site which asks you to specify a pick up location, I chose the station road branch in Cambridge (2 minute walk). When I populated this information the site recognised the store and accepted but then proceeded to tell me that the collection location was Unit 9 Lion Yard in Cambridge (around a 40 minute drive there and pack during traffic at that time). I thought I had booked the collection for Friday, and admitted at fault of my own, I had actually booked Thursday, probably due to my difficulties navigating the site. Despite this, no attempt was made to contact me by phone or email when the food wasn't collected and it wasn't until Friday that I realised my mistake at which point I called the Unit 19 Lion Yard branch. I spoke to a lady on the phone who offered to prepare the sandwiches and wraps for collection. As such I drove into town, parked and went to the store. I took my receipt to the counter and handed it to a man on the till who went out back. The manager then returned, (a babbling inept man), and told me that because the order was placed yesterday the food had all been thrown away and I would not receive any order. Are you really telling me that food prepared yesterday would be thrown away the same day because it was not collected!? I highly doubt this! Having worked in Starbucks when I was younger I can almost guarantee that the food went onto the shelves to sell to customers! As a result we ended up paying around £40 for food, of which we received none and despite being led to believe I could collect my order, I was actually made to take a 40 minute drive into town to then be bluntly told we could not have any food! Appalling service showing a complete disregard for your customer! I suggest that firstly that the manager does some basic training in customer service and secondly that Pret revise their entire order and collection process. A call or email at bare minimum!

  • Richard Wishart

    Richard Wishart


    This is one of my favourite coffee shops in Cambridge. Good coffee and food. Excellent friendly service and well located. What else do you need. Oh - and not expensive

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