RAFT Furniture i City Centre

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeRAFT Furniture



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35-36, West Street, BN1 2RE, City Centre, The City of Brighton and Hove, GB Storbritannien
kontakter telefon: +44 1273 311610
internet side: www.raftfurniture.co.uk
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 50.8229965, Longitude: -0.1439735

kommentar 5

  • Sean Russell Strickland

    Sean Russell Strickland


    Great little shop with everything one could possibly want for a home--teak beds, tables, chairs, and other furniture including made in UK sofas. Lots of accessories for the house too (pictures, mirrors, lamps). Friendly service and also an environment-friendly company (the teak wood is recycled teak). Also check out Trustpilot regarding this company.

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    Lukas Kalinke


    My wife and I took out the interior design service as it was sold to us that they would 'help with colours and furnishings' . We really liked their sofas but we're sold this as an add on. It turned out to be absolutely pointless, the worst 250£ I have spent. No advice on colours or furnishings, apparently the 'furnishings didn't arrive in time' when we had our second consultation where they'd show us their 'fresh ideas' . This actually consisted of raft plonking bits of their overpriced furniture in a room, no advice on colour schemes/ fabric ideas. They offered no FRESH IDEAS at all. I have complained twice but they have yet to reply. I rang up and they said they'd respond via email. Try old boot sofas, lovely sofas, cheaper and much better service. Raft brighton should be ashamed of themselves.

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    Richard D


    Avoid this company like the plague. The owners dont care about customer service as many reviews on the internet will confirm. I do feel sorry for the franchisees, many of whom try their best

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    Pat Tudgay


    Love it

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    Joe Anderson


    Great shop with beautiful products would recommend a look to anyone.....

nærmeste Møbelbutik

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