Simit Sarayi i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSimit Sarayi



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33, Villiers Street, WC2N 6ND, London, Greater London, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 20 7637 2105
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Latitude: 51.5080737, Longitude: -0.1235708

kommentar 5

  • Suzanne Iwai

    Suzanne Iwai


    I first used this franchise when l was in Istanbul and on a budget. I'm pleased to see them here. The twisted seeded bread rings are lovely and the sandwich rolls substantial. They're not cheap but they will satisfy you more than any supermarket variety. The pastries are hit n miss depends on your tastebuds. They're not overly sweet do if you want to overindulge this may not be for you. Looking at other reviews, why would you expect a microwaved warmed pastie to be nice. This is the west end and it's just a busy cafe/ takeaway.

  • en

    Samuel Peterson


    Nice staff, apart from the very rude manager. Other than that, obscenely over-priced Turkish pastry microwaved.

  • en

    ilona s


    So welcoming! Great staff and tasty food! 5/5

  • Salman Jaffer

    Salman Jaffer


    Excellent choice of sweet and savoury pastries good location lovely atmosphere great service

  • Ray Tempesta

    Ray Tempesta


    Fantastic range of cakes and desserts. I had a pistachio cake which was superb. Well worth a visit,

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