Specialized Locksmiths i London

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSpecialized Locksmiths


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10, Garnet Street, E1W 3QT, London, Greater London, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakter telefon: +44 844 411 7238
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Latitude: 51.5066385, Longitude: -0.0548391

kommentar 3

  • Richard rcb

    Richard rcb


    The company answered my call quickly and sent someone within a hour... however when I asked the locksmith what he was going to change the latch with, he could only tell me it was an ASEC latch and it would cost me £79.... when I looked on line with this limited information the best price I could find for the whole latch and lock was £13.41.... the call out fee of £70.80 was an additional cost.... a bit of a rip off.... Also he said he couldn't guarantee his work, while a manager said their work is guaranteed for 3 months...

  • en

    Ein Google-Nutzer


    Very nice people at Specialized Locksmiths who like to make sure the customer is taken care of. I have used them many times and was satisfied completely. Couldn't find a better company anywhere.

  • en

    Ein Google-Nutzer


    Specialized Locksmiths are great. They are punctual, good at what they do, and their fast. The technician even explain and show you exactly what he is doing if you are interested. In addition to re-keying 6 locks, he noticed that two of our doors needed a good lean with your shoulder to shut. He offered to sand them down (now they shut smoothly) without me having to ask and he didn't charge extra for it. He's one of those guys that go above and beyond what you pay for.

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