St Minver Holiday Park i Saint Minver

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSt Minver Holiday Park



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Wadebridge, St Minver, Cornwall PL27 6RR, UK
kontakter telefon: +44 1208 862305
internet side:
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Latitude: 50.5558751, Longitude: -4.8739412

kommentar 5

  • sasha



    Beautiful setting for a campsite. We stayed in the polzeath lodge in the glade. Nice and peaceful with views across the field. I constantly saw staff litter picking, which kept the natural beauty of the park on top form. Lodge was spacious and clean and although there was a broken washing machine, leaky kettle and doorway trims with protruding nails, it was an ideal family place to stay, with parking opposite the lodge for two cars. We ate at the onsite restaurant once. Once was enough. Although the waitress was lovely the quality of the food was awful for the prices they cost. Actually put me off chicken for the rest of the week. The bar staff were friendly and helpful but it just seemed the bar was not very well stocked or managed. The park was safe and clean for the children and they thoroughly enjoyed tiring themselves out here. Beautiful walks for families and dogs. On site shop is adequate, a bit over priced but stocks the essentials and has friendly staff. Overall would definitely return.

  • en

    Rainbowbelles Photography


    Fantastic lodges, entertainment a bit lame & in need of a new entertainment area and bigger pool too. The staff friendly but food expensive the area makes up for it all

  • en



    Beautiful lodges.. scenic setting..good facilities, shop , pool , bar , clubhouse etc. Friendly and helpful staff. Good pub two minutes walk if you fancy a change.

  • en

    waseem mirza


    Great place. Swimming pool, sauna and outdoor games and play area for the children.

  • en

    spurs james


    Great park, everyone was friendly, lots of space, easy to get anywhere local, lovely food in the restaurant. Will definitely be going back.

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