St Nicks - Nature Reserve & Environment Centre i York

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeSt Nicks - Nature Reserve & Environment Centre



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57, Rawdon Avenue, YO10 3ST, York, York, GB Reino Unido
kontakter telefon: +44 1904 411821
internet side:
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Latitude: 53.9575574, Longitude: -1.0620253

kommentar 5

  • en

    Carl Phippen


    Nice place, great work in the community

  • en

    Richard Lane


    Can't get enough of this place, a green oasis teeming with life, a massive asset to a great city and a fantastic bunch of people working there. I've seen loads of finches, beetles, and a few water voles, but the kingfisher still eludes me!

  • Bicis Y Mas

    Bicis Y Mas


    Great place, with lovely staff. They do our recycling and they do a great job.

  • Ian Traynor

    Ian Traynor


    I visit this lovely little nature reserve at least once a week. I'm amazed at the richness of the wildlife here - and it's just a mile from the centre of York. Take your time walking through the reserve - and keep your eyes open. You never know what you might see! I've seen both Kingfishers and Water Voles on Tang Hall Beck, where it flows through the reserve

  • Dan Morris

    Dan Morris


    A little small, but lovely nature reserve with very friendly staff in the visitor area. A great place to walk the dog, although only on a short walk as like I said it's not very big.

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