The Black Horse Inn i Canterbury

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe Black Horse Inn



🕗 åbningstider

11-12, Orchard Street, CT2 8AP, Canterbury, Kent, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1227 455411
internet side:
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Latitude: 51.2822305, Longitude: 1.0713542

kommentar 5

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    Due to a pregnancy difficulties, we are unable to make our trip. The management has decided to charge our credit card anyway.

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    Charlotte Pitt


    The location was great, 5mins from the train station and 10mins from the town centre. The Inn was traditional and cosy. The rooms were very clean and nicely decorated. I was staying for a work function so it was very handy that I was given a front door key, as I was late coming back. The staff were also friendly. If I were to visit Canterbury again I would repeat my stay.

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    Julian Zdyrko


    Staff very friendly and room clean and tidy short walk into town with a nice pub just round the corner would stay there again

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    Thomas Lambrecht


    The staff are wonderfully friendly and accommodating. The room was tiny, but comfortable. The inn is located just a 10 minute walk from Canterbury West train station and from the town centre. It is in a quiet neighborhood. The inn also has a pretty and quiet back garden to enjoy on sunny days.

  • Tom Price

    Tom Price


    Super clean room great location. bang for buck 5 stars

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