The County Hotel i Carlisle

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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Det Forenede KongerigeThe County Hotel



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9, Botchergate, CA1 1QP, Carlisle, Cumbria, GB United Kingdom
kontakter telefon: +44 1228 531316
internet side:
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Latitude: 54.891686, Longitude: -2.932185

kommentar 5

  • en

    Julie Watson


    Used this hotel lots of times, however it's really gone back, breakfast very bland, used to be a good breakfast. rooms need decorating, very outdated and fixtures dropping to bits, bathroom wasn't clean.

  • en

    Martha Attwood


    Good hotel,great large bed rooms ,near the shopping centre and central for night life Joanna on reception desk was so nice. And very helpful

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    Pat Flagg Brown


    This is such a cute place. We regularly stay at the Royal Station Hotel in Newcastle and went for another Cairn Group hotel in Carlisle. Definitely not high end but nevertheless somewhere we'll revisit. Friendly staff, this place reminds me of a holiday my parents would save and save for, to treat us (6) kids. And excellent value for money 👍👍👍

  • en

    Aussie Aussie 89


    lovely hotel. staff were friendly and helpful. rooms were clean and comfortable.

  • en

    Carol Young


    Great big bedroom and comfy bed..tea coffee and biscuits..decent towels.. in the centre of town and helpful staff...that's the good points.. Heating that wood not turn down. Secondary glazing on windows that either won't open or had to sleep with the bottom of a window wide open as unable to reach it due to secondary glazing. Shower head that was falling off wall....noise in street all general the hotel needs an update with lamps and ceiling lights broken..sorry but I wouldn't go back.

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