The Principal St David's Hotel w Cardiff

Zjednoczone KrólestwoThe Principal St David's Hotel



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Wtorekotwarte 24 godziny
Środaotwarte 24 godziny
Czwartekotwarte 24 godziny
Piątekotwarte 24 godziny
Sobotaotwarte 24 godziny
Niedzielaotwarte 24 godziny
Havannah Street, CF10 5SD, Cardiff, Cardiff, GB Vereinigtes Königreich
kontakt telefon: +44 29 2045 4045
strona internetowej:
większa mapa i wskazówki
Latitude: 51.46055, Longitude: -3.167058

komentarze 5

  • en

    Karen Swales


    Lovely location on the wharf. Facilities good and clean. Food good. We had a meeting room that over looked the water which was very nice. About 30min walk from central Cardiff train station. But check as there was a station nearer as it turned out.

  • Jade Lane

    Jade Lane


    I booked to stay here for my partners 30th....i had paid extra to guarantee a room with a balcony and an included breakfast. I was also offered an upgrade of petals on the bed for an extra 15 pounds two days before arrival. The room did not disappoint it was super clean and had everything we needed also the view from our balcony was amazing nothing was too much trouble for the really was a lovely place to stay. The cocktails in the bar were stunning. Really enjoyed our stay and would most definatly return.

  • en

    Stewart Sharples


    Master suite very nice but needs a bit of a touch up. Marks on the walls and no mini bar. Food was nice but not amazing. But shouldn't put you off. The view is brilliant, the bed is comfortable and enjoyed the spa (though not as big as it appeared online). Great size room though and I would recommend. Staff friendly and helpful. Keep in mind the parking is OVER THE TOP EXPENSIVE. I've stayed in hotels in London that's far cheaper. £20 for 24 hours...ouch

  • en

    Hannah Tipping


    Spa facilities, room and views lovely. Toiletries in the room of good quality and loved the bath salts - great touch. Nice to have more than two small towels which is what most hotels supply. Lovely robes and slippers. I spend the majority of my week in hotels all across the UK with work, this is one of the best I have stayed in. Staff extremely attentive, ensured I had all info needed to access the spa etc.. also offered to bring my car round and carry my luggage upon check out. The only reason I haven't given 5* was the bed was very hard and I found this extremely uncomfortable. I appreciate this depends on each person, however I think the bed is possibly the hardest bed I've slept in and I travel around the country with work staying in hotels every week. However apart from this I cannot fault anything with my stay, and completely appreciate the next person may find the bed perfect.

  • de

    Silvia Oberle


    Absolut empfehlenswertes Hotel. Jederzeit wieder. Lage genial für alle Art von Ausflügen. Ausreichend Parkplätze vorhanden. Ein öffentlicher nebenan. Gebühr 15 Pfund/24 Std bei beiden gleich. Das Spa ist sooo erholsam! Ein muss, und wenn es nur 2 Stunden sind, man sollte es unbedingt nutzen. Zimmer sehr groß, Aussicht in allen Zimmern genial. Egal ob auf das Wasser oder die Stadt mit Hinterland. Ein kleiner Balkon bietet bei schönem Wetter auch die Möglichkeit einen Kaffee oder Tee draußen zu geniessen. Personal professionell und super freundlich.

najbliższy Kwatera

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