The Riverfront in Newport

Vereinigtes KönigreichThe Riverfront


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Kingsway, NP20 1HG, Newport, Newport, GB United Kingdom
kontakte telefon: +44 1633 656757
größere karte und wegbeschreibung
Latitude: 51.5885303, Longitude: -2.993703

kommentare 5

  • en

    Caroline Hay


    Saw a fab version of Eugene Onegin by Mid Wales Opera. Great to have this on my doorstep and at a reasonable price. Well done

  • en

    Paul Vincent


    Went to watch Pretty in Pink. Layout of the room was chairs around small tables making a unique relaxing cinema experience. Drinks where reasonable for the venue. Nice touches on the tables with complimentary sweets, popcorn and party poppers.

  • en

    david shelley


    The Riverfront is Newport's newest theatre. It's sited on the bank of the river Usk and within very easy walking distance of the city centre. It has a large foyer with a lovely cafe and it's very disabled friendly, with built in ramps etc. They have a lovely selection of performances throughout the year, which cater for most tastes.

  • andy Phillips

    andy Phillips


    Went to watch Aladdin, lovely place to watch, good access, comfy seats. Play was excellent and staff very nice. You can take your own snacks in but there is a reasonably priced range of products available. Has a coffee shop but the coffee we had wasn't great hence 4 stars not 5.

  • en

    Maria Hunt


    We haven't been to see this years show yet but do go every year and love it! This year the staff/customer service has been second to none!! We have had to rearrange and the staff were understanding and very helpful. 10/10 Riverfront you have out done yourselves THANK YOU.

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